Isabel's birthday party

Isabel turned 4 recently and as always there was a big party to celebrate our little joy. Her name is actually Isabel Joie (pronounced as Joy) Neville so she is literally our little joy!

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Compared to her big sister, who is really becoming more photogenic each time I see her, Isabel is shyer, does not like to take photographs and prefer intimate conversations to big party crowds.

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Isabel's creepy doll :O

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Chloe the big sister always helps with everything from putting the candles to blowing it out. And Isabel is usually generous and lets her sister have her way!

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The third little girl. Have you seen a baby so fond of broccoli? She is probably the MOST SMILEY baby I have ever met. When I entered the house she ran towards me laughing and smiling. Aww she makes me feel loved!

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Isabel playing with her new toy - a small little skate scooter!

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I think you haven't seen a grown man so fond of playing with a girl's scooter either... Haha, and with a pink shirt to match!