Money doesn't come easy

Recently, I booked a short weekend getaway with some friends to Batam and I remember even when we were going to pay 300 for the resort, I felt the pinch of spending that amount of money and after much deliberation, we decide to go for a cheaper option.

I was on the cab the other day with one of these friends whom I'm going to Batam with. He is someone who travels as much if not more than I do and I was telling him that I find it so hard to part with a few hundreds of dollars now, when in the past, I would gladly slog my ass off my months to buy a ticket to Europe for $1k and spend it all in an instant.

Today the same kind of conversation came up when I was mentioning that I don't even drink Starbucks anymore because after doing my daily budgeting, it just feels so wasteful to spend $6 - more than a meal - on a drink.

It's really ironic now the amount of money I have is much more now, but I don't readily spend as much as when I was young. I also felt a little bit sad that my spirit of adventure is gone because of financial constraints now that I want to save money furiously for some near-future life plans.

Adult conversations are so boring too. I guess there is really nothing to talk about other than promotions, pay increase and the standard of living when we spend basically more than 70% of our LIFE in office. It always revolves around money. How idealistic and naive we all were! Saying, I don't want to work a 9-5 job. Money is not the most important thing to me... I am passionate about ______ and will work for it for less. 

Even though I love my job, I cannot help but feel inferior sometimes to people who earn more than me even though we started off from the same ground. I feel inferior cos of my general degree and I feel worried about my future advancement when I talk to them. I feel so naive and childish because I have never really thought about the pace of my promotion and things like that.

Trying to focus on the good. I have to! And time to grow up. Hoping the inferiority turns into some kind of crazy motivation for me to make full use of my free time and advance other channels of income.  Gotta work hard when young. GOGOGO!